The National Meat Processing Industries Association of Spain (ANICE) is a non-profitmaking organisation formed by more than 600 companies active in the meat sector (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and meat processing industries), spread throughout the Spanish territory.
This makes ANICE the biggest meat Association in Spain, both by the number of members and by their joint production, which exceeds 60% of the total national production of meat products, reaching even higher values is some specialities, as the Iberian pork products, where the global production reaches 90% of the total.
ANICE has the mission of inform and advise members on the every day growing number of matters of their concern, or that can be of their interest, sending circulars regularly and also answering the questions directly presented by them.
Also ANICE represents the Spanish meat industry and defends its interest with the Spanish and E.U. Administrations and other official bodies.
To achieve this objective ANICE is member of the UECBV, "European Livestock And Meat Trades Union" and to CLITRAVI, "Liaison Centre of the Meat Processing Industry in the E.U.", seated in Brussels, and throught this last, to the Europea Food and Drink Federation (FDE). At international level, ANICE belog to the International Meat Secretariat (IMS), a global organization with headquartes in Paris.
At national level ANICE is member of FIAB, the "Spanish Food and Drink Federation", FIAB, and the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).
Inscrita en el registro de Transparencia de la Unión Europea. Nº 470064395228-3
Adherida al Código de Buenas Prácticas Mercantiles en la Contratación Alimentaria. Nº Reg.: A22016060901
Código Ético y de Buen Gobierno de ANICE aprobado por Junta General (6-4-2016)